El perro se llama Rusty y el koala Quasi. Se conocen desde hace años y el marsupial llega todas las tardes desde el monte para tomar agua, descansar a la sombra y jugar con el can. La familia Stone, dueña de Rusty, compartió un video a través de Facebook que se ha hecho viral  y en el que se registra esta amistad.

Todo ocurre en una casa de campo de la localidad de Adelaide Hills, en Australia. Todas las tardes sin falta, Quasi va a buscar agua y encuentra refugio en uno de los árboles del patio de la familia Stone. La visita es casi un ritual. Quasi saluda al perro, comparten el depósito de agua y la pareja se acaricia cariñosamente.

My neighbours Kevin and family have a resident Koala that comes down for a drink when it is really hot. Down yesterday and today. Riley Stone and Olivia Stone have a dog, Rusty, who knows the Koala pretty well and they are mates (buddies for you in the US) – here they are hanging out filmed by Danielle Stone . The family has some great videos of this lovely animal. (Yes the country is on fire, climate change is real and many politicians are in denial but nice to post something smiley). We can pray for more enlightened leadership in the future! PS Been a tad of interest in this post (180K views so far) so I have updated it to get the attribution correct.

Posted by Andrew Frost on Tuesday, January 7, 2020